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New Taipei City Police Department

Release Date
New Taipei City Police Department

When coming under a surprise attackWomen's Safety

Calming down is the only real way to protect yourself. It is not easy, but it is the most important.

Reduce the alertness of gangsters

Regardless of whether you plan to attack the gangsters or not, try your best to reduce their alertness and distract their attention in order to create a chance to escape.
If the gangsters are holding weapons, try to have them put aside the weapons.
Try to temporize and puzzle the gangsters. For example, you may tell them you are in your menstrual period, are pregnant and feeling ill, or ask them to move to another place that you are familiar with and where you can regain control. 

Attack gangsters at their most vulnerable areas

Use the articles you carry for self-defense

Use reachable articles for self-defense

Self-defense equipment

What should you do if you have been sexually assaulted?

Seek for safety
If you have been assaulted, try to get to a safe place first.

Preserve the site
Please preserve the crime scene and do not move or touch any article at the site, to allow the police to collect evidence and search for clues.

Preserve evidence